About me

I studied Electronics Engineering at the National Technological University (UTN-FRBA) in Buenos Aires, Argentina from 2014 to 2021. During that time he also worked for Siemens Argentina specifying and implementing software solutions for industry partners in the food & beverage industry. I am currently a computer science PhD Student at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen (EKUT) under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Oliver Bringmann. Since 2021 I am also working as a researcher assistant at the FZI Research Center for Information Technology in Karlsruhe, Germany.

Research interests

I am fascinated by the challenges presented by the deployment of AI algorithms on edge devices. As such, I am currently working on hardware/software co-design methods to enable the efficient execution of AI algorithms on the edge. Although I have been focusing on Convolutional Neural Networks for computer vision tasks I am also interested in reinforcement learning techniques, transformers networks and Spiking Neural Networks. I am currently working on efficient mapping and deployment strategies for neural networks on heterogeneous systems, using the TVM compiler as a framework to accelerate the implementation of my ideas.